How to use a Password Manager to Store AWS Credentials
- Jamie Tyler
- Cloud , Aws , Software
- November 4, 2024
Table of Contents
I like to have a way of avoiding having to have access_key_ids and secret_access_keys locally configured on my Mac.
I already use the password manager 1Password which has a command line which enables the automation of tasks whilst protecting keys and tokens etc. Check out the 1Password website. To be clear, this is the one I use and I am not being paid, in any form, for this article.
As I have mentioned in other articles I use Homebrew to manage what is installed on my Mac. So, for this scenario, lets assume you are already using 1Password. The cli element is a separate installation and can be installed with Homebrew and verified as follows.
brew install --cask 1password/tap/1password-cli
op --version
Next, update ~/.zshrc with the following.
# Activate 1password Shell Completion
eval "$(op completion zsh)"; compdef _op op
And, finally, reload the ~/.zshrc.
. ~/.zshrc
So to configure the 1Password CLI, a directory is required. As I have mentioned I am using a Mac so this will be different if you are using Microsoft Windows and to a lesser extent Linux. The directory is restricted as well. The command chmod 700 restricts the directory to the current logged on user, in this case me.
md ~/.config/op
chmod 700 ~/.config/op
In this article I am going to assume we are using only one AWS account and the account’s friendly name is blog. I have access to the access_key_id and secure_access_key to complete the configuration.
1Password Configuration
- Open 1Password
- Navigate to the item that holds the login details for the AWS account, click edit, and add a Section called Access Keys
- Add a new text field called access_key_id and populate
- Add a new password field called secret_access_key and populate
- Save
To access the new fields in 1Password, configuration files are required for the 1Password CLI and then an alias is placed in ~/.zshrc to integrate with the AWS CLI.
As blog is the friendly name of the AWS account that is being configured, create its configuration file.
touch ~/.config/op/aws-blog
The syntax for the configuration file is.
Where {vault} is the 1Password vault and {item} is the credential entry in that vault.
Finally, an alias should be added to ~/.zshrc to make it easy to execute.
alias aws-website='op run --env-file=$HOME/.config/op/aws-website -- aws'
Therefore all AWS CLI commands would be aws-website and not aws when interacting with this AWS account.
Reload the ~/.zshrc.
. ~/.zshrc
This completes the installation and configuration.